Tile Builder

Tile Builder is a Photoshop-compatible plug-in for Windows designed by ImageSkill Software. Tile Builder creates fantastic attractive seamless patterns using symmetry rules. This plug-in will be useful for web designers, artists, photo and computer graphics enthusiasts. It allows you create fantastic attractive seamless patterns by one touch. You can save generated rectangular seamless pattern as BMP, JPEG or PNG graphic file for using anywhere. Generated patterns may be used as web-background, ornament and so on.

This help contains the following sections:

Recent changes

  • v 1.0 - New release.
  • v 1.1 - You can save patterns with transparency in PNG format.
  • v 1.2 - You can process grayscale image with transparency, process masks. A few tiling methods were improved.
  • v 1.3 - You can process 16-bit RGB and grayscale images. Plug-in takes into account selection.
  • v 1.5 - The Tile Builder supports action (script) feature.
  • v 1.6 - The Tile Builder stores own window's position and size.

Install and uninstall procedures

Run setup file. Installer try to find suitable graphic hosts. Choose one of them from list. If you want to install plug-in in other folder, select item "Other path" and set path. In this case you must set "Plug-ins path" of your graphic host to setup folder.

In order to uninstall plug-in run uninstall.exe or use Add and Remove Programs item in the Control Panel.

Using Tile Builder

This plug-ins works under RGB or Grayscale data with 8 or 16 bits/channel with (or without) transparency.

  1. Open an image in your graphic editor.
  2. Call the Tile Builder plug-in. (For Adobe Photoshop "Filter->Image Skill->Tile Builder").
  3. Choose one of 17 tiling method.
  4. Move target shape on desirable subject. You can move, rotate and bend target shape in order to match desirable motif for you seamless pattern.
  5. Press Apply button (or double-click) in order to create rectangular seamless pattern using the current settings.
  6. If necessary, adjust the Edge Blending in order to receive pleasure effect and press Apply again.
  7. If necessary, adjust the Tile size.
  8. Set Show preview flag in order to see result of flood filling using generated pattern in preview window.
  9. Save created pattern in desirable graphic format (BMP, JPEG or PNG) for future use anywhere.
  10. Press OK button.

Tool, Sliders and Buttons Descriptions

Zoom tool

Use this tool for zooming. Click to zoom in. Right-click to zoom out.

Pan tool

Click and drag to pan images larger than the windows.

Marquee tool

Use to select image area for pattern generation. Drag a target shape to match object, then click Apply (or double-click). Use Shift-click to reset shape.

Tiling method

Choose tiling method for pattern generation. All of them have its own number and graphical sketch showing the type of symmetry being chosen.

Edge Blending

Use it for smoothing edges in generated tile. Increasing this parameter influences to pattern size.

Tile size

Use it for adjusting rectangular seamless pattern size (in percents).

Show preview

Display result of flood filling using generated pattern in preview window.


Use Display menu options to switch between previews of the original and result images.

Tips and Tricks

The following tips will help you get the best results when using Tile Builder.

  • Do not use big images if you want use seamless pattern as web-background. Pattern size may be from 2 to 4 times bigger than target shape. Shrink original image before using Tile Builder.
  • If you want to increase tiling methods range, run Tile Builder 2 or more times under one image.

Art Gallery

We wrote brief introduction into Tile Builder extensive possibilities – “Creation décor and ornament using Tile Builder”. You can design frieze and rosette using Tile Builder.

Look at Manny Lorenzo fantastic Art Gallery created by means of Tile Builder.

You can receive huge amount seamless patterns from one image.

Tile Builder Art Gallery

P1 symmetry method (1) P2 symmetry method (2) PM symmetry method (3) PG symmetry method (4) PMM symmetry method (5) PMG symmetry method (6)
PGG symmetry method (7) CM symmetry method (8) CMM symmetry method (9) P4 symmetry method (10) P4M symmetry method (11)
P4G symmetry method (12) P3 symmetry method (13) P3ML symmetry method (14)
P3LM symmetry method (15) P6 symmetry method (16) P6M symmetry method (17)

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