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ImageSkill: Magic Sharpener v. 1.5 and
competitive plug-ins
Oct 22, 2008, ImageSkill Software
Dear Subscriber,
We would strongly recommend you look at the excellent article about sharpening tool comparison written by Hugo Rodriguez (http://www.hugorodriguez.com). He is a pro photographer and works as a photo technique professor at GrisArt school of photography, and as a digital image / color management consultant at EGM Pro labs at Barcelona, Spain. I hope you enjoy this article. It is the most comprehensive and professionally done comparison of the modern sharpness plug-ins and filters I have ever seen. Originally it was written in Spanish (http://www.hugorodriguez.com/index_nitidez-perfecta.php) but the Google translation (Spanish to
English) version is also available.
The nine following plug-ins:
- Sharpen ASPhoto of AmphiSoft
- CrispImage Pro of Softwhile
- FocalBlade of ThePluginSite
- FocusFixer of FixerLabs
- FocusMagic of Acclaim Software
- MagicSharpener of ImageSkill
- Nik Sharpener Pro of Nik Software
- PhotoKit Sharpener of PixelGenius
- Smart Sharpen of ChromaSoftware
were carefully tested. Hugo Rodriguez being an independent expert expressed his appreciation to three of them: Focus Magic,
Magic Sharpener, and Photokit Sharpener. To his personal opinion they provide very good results keeping all fine details. We are happy that our
Magic Sharpener is among top 3 sharpening plug-ins.
You can click the links mentioned above for details.
Sincerely yours,
ImageSkill team.
ImageSkill Magic Sharpener is compatible with Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, Corel (Jasc) Paint Shop Pro, Corel Painter, Corel Photo-Paint and Microsoft Digital Image Suite. ImageSkill Magic Sharpener runs on Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/2004/XP/NT/Vista.
Magic Sharpener home page: http://www.imageskill.com/magicsharpener/magicsharpener.html
Magic Sharpener demo: http://www.imageskill.com/magicsharpener/MagicSharpener_Setup.exe
Screenshot: http://www.imageskill.com/magicsharpener/ms_screenshot.jpg
User’s Manual (in PDF): http://www.imageskill.com/magicsharpener/ms_manual.pdf
About ImageSkill Software
Our team works in the image processing area since 1998. Over the last ten years we have worked for the JASC Software Inc., specializing in creation of photo-editing software. (In 2004 JASC was acquired by Corel Corporation). We took an active and very productive part in developing of the last four versions of their software (JASC Paint Shop Pro 7, 8, 9, Corel Paint Shop Pro X). Also we have developed image enhancement tools for LG Electronics. Recently we started the selling of our products under ImageSkill trademark.